Thought Exchange will close Friday 3/5

Poway USD is conducting their annual LCAP survey through ThoughtExchange. California mandates that all school stakeholder groups are consulted in developing the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) which guides district strategy and spending. This is a one-time opportunity to give input on the services and programs you would like our district and our schools to prioritize for the 2021-2022 school year. Please log into your school’s ThoughtExchange to join the conversation.

Here’s how:

  1. Click the Thought Exchange link you received through your school communication.

  2. Answer the quick questions and select your participation group.

  3. Share your ideas in response to the question “What programs or services would you like to see continued or improved in order to advance student and staff learning and wellness in the 2021-22 school year?”

    NOTE: You don’t have to share an idea to participate. You can skip this step and move on if you don’t have a pressing thought to share. And, you can come back to it if you think of something after reading the other ideas.

  4. Star the thoughts that others have submitted. Rate other participants’ ideas based on how much you agree. 5 stars = strongly agree. 1 star = strongly disagree. There are likely many ideas at this point. Please take time to rate them all.

  5. Discover the trends that are showing in the results. The discover page will reveal “hot topics” and show all thoughts are ranked by average rating. You can also see how your activity was rated and how it relates to others’ thoughts.

  6. Revisit the ThoughtExchange before it closes Friday. Since it is a dynamic tool, you may see new thoughts added or new trends emerge up until it closes.

Thank you for taking the time to keep the conversations focused on services and programs that will serve our students as our schools’ top priority.


PUSD’s application to expand in-person instruction denied by CDPH


SB 86 - Call to Action