SB 86 - Call to Action

The California State Assembly is set to vote on Senate Bill No. 86 on Thursday March 4, 2021. Please call your Assemblymembers and urge them to vote for an amendment that will ensure all California students have access to in-person instruction five days per week.

The current bill does not require schools to open. In fact, 70% (over $4.5 billion) of the funding goes to schools whether they open or not. Additionally, there is no minimal expectation on how much in-person instruction is required for a school to be considered open. Further, it promotes schools only opening for certain grade levels (ie. only one grade level at middle and high school).

A floor amendment to SB 86 will be presented that would require all schools in California to open and give every student the option of five-day, in-person instruction. Please call and encourage your Assemblymembers to support this amendment.


Thought Exchange will close Friday 3/5


Poway USD Parents Unite